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时间:2019-11-08 04:00:12 来源:www.downmsn.com 人气:



The principle of fast bird broadband acceleration is as follows:


迅雷快鸟加速原理  图1


Table a: when "a network user" visits the CDN acceleration site, query the domain name from the local DNS, and finally obtain the IP address corresponding to the domain name in the global Intelligent DNS server, as shown in the figure: IP address of the a network cache server; then, the browser of the network user initiates an access request to the network cache server. Fortunately, the required default page file is only cached in network a. The cache server immediately returns data and completes an access request.


biǎo表 A : dāng当 “ wǎng网 luò络 yòng用 hù户 ” fǎng访 wèn问 C D N jiā加 sù速 zhàn站 diǎn点 shí时 , cóng从 běn本 dì地 D N S zhōng中 chá查 xún询 yù域 míng名 , zuì最 zhōng终 dé得 dào到 quán全 jú局 zhì智 néng能 D N S fú服 wù务 qì器 zhōng中 yù域 míng名 duì对 yìng应 de的 I P dì地 zhǐ址 , rú如 tú图 : A wǎng网 luò络 huǎn缓 cún存 fú服 wù务 qì器 de的 I P dì地 zhǐ址 ; rán然 hòu后 , wǎng网 luò络 yòng用 hù户 de的 liú浏 lǎn览 qì器 qǐ启 dòng动 duì对 wǎng网 luò络 huǎn缓 cún存 fú服 wù务 qì器 de的 fǎng访 wèn问 qǐng请 qiú求 。 xìng幸 yùn运 de的 shì是 , suǒ所 xū需 de的 mò默 rèn认 yè页 wén文 jiàn件 jǐn仅 huǎn缓 cún存 zài在 wǎng网 luò络 A zhōng中 。 huǎn缓 cún存 fú服 wù务 qì器 lì立 jí即 fǎn返 huí回 shù数 jù据 bìng并 wán完 chéng成 fǎng访 wèn问 qǐng请 qiú求 。


Table B: when network B users visit CDN accelerated sites, query the domain name from the local DNS, and finally obtain the IP address corresponding to the domain name in the global Intelligent DNS server, as shown in Figure 7: IP address of network B cache server. Network B user browser initiates an access request to network B cache server, but the cache server does not cache the default page file, which requires obtaining this object from the source, caching and Return the content to B network user. The cache server of network B knows the location of the source station through the internal DNS.

B:当网络B用户访问CDN加速站点时,从本地DNS中查询域名,最终在全局智能DNS服务器中获得与域名对应的IP地址,Network B缓存服务器的IP地址所示。网络B用户浏览器启动对网络B缓存服务器的访问请求,但缓存服务器不缓存默认页文件,这需要从源获取此对象,缓存并将内容返回给B网络用户。网络b的缓存服务器通过内部dns知道源站的位置。

Simply put, when your resources are loaded on the CND server, and then each place views the resources, it is equivalent to visiting the nearest server resources, rather than directly visiting the original site resources of the website, which greatly reduces the pressure of visiting the original site.


迅雷快鸟加速原理  图2



But how?

迅雷快鸟加速原理  图3


Compression? This is unlikely. If the advanced compression algorithm is adopted, the first step is to compress the information source and decompress the data locally. The same compression algorithm can not be applied to all kinds of protocols in the whole network.


yā压 suō缩 ? zhè这 bù不 tài太 kě可 néng能 。 rú如 guǒ果 cǎi采 yòng用 xiān先 jìn进 de的 yā压 suō缩 suàn算 fǎ法 , shǒu首 xiān先 yào要 duì对 xìn信 xī息 yuán源 jìn进 xíng行 yā压 suō缩 , bìng并 duì对 shù数 jù据 jìn进 xíng行 jú局 bù部 jiě解 yā压 suō缩 。 tóng同 yī一 zhǒng种 yā压 suō缩 suàn算 fǎ法 bù不 néng能 shì适 yòng用 yú于 zhěng整 gè个 wǎng网 luò络 zhōng中 de的 gè各 zhǒng种 xié协 yì议 。

Change course? After path tracking, it is found that the acceleration and non acceleration path information are unchanged, and the PPPoE mode is controlled by the PPPoE server. The final takeout is in the hands of operators, and it is impossible for a third party to bypass it by optimizing the route.


Cooperate with operators to dynamically adjust PPPoE bandwidth, and share profits by quickly discovering birds. This may be the only possibility. This dynamic adjustment of bandwidth makes full use of bandwidth resources. Moreover, at present, Thunderbird adopts the way of paying users to speed up, avoiding some risks of operators themselves, using idle bandwidth to increase profits, and improving brand and product awareness. Although there is no breakthrough in technology, this way is really novel and all parties benefit from it. It's no problem.


迅雷快鸟加速原理  图4



标签 迅雷快鸟