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时间:2019-11-08 03:57:20 来源:www.downmsn.com 人气:




rú如 hé何 zài在 e x c e l zhōng中 jì计 suàn算 rì日 qī期 de的 tiān天 shù数 huò或 shí时 chā差 。 duì对 yú于 rì日 qī期 hé和 shí时 jiān间 zhī之 jiān间 de的 chā差 yì异 , lì例 rú如 rì日 qī期 shí时 jiān间 chā差 yì异 gōng公 shì式 , jié结 guǒ果 shì是 xiǎo小 shí时 ( lì例 rú如 1 3 4 . 5 xiǎo小 shí时 ) 。 lì例 rú如 , cóng从 2 0 1 6 nián年 2 yuè月 1 0 rì日 1 3 : 2 6 dào到 2 0 1 6 nián年 3 yuè月 6 rì日 1 0 : 4 0 zhī之 jiān间 yǒu有 duō多 shǎo少 xiǎo小 shí时 ? wǒ我 men们 zěn怎 me么 néng能 zuò做 dào到 ?

First of all, the number of days between these two dates needs to be calculated separately. We can get the results we need by calculating the number of days between the two software.



hěn很 jiǎn简 dān单 。 wǒ我 men们 kě可 yǐ以 zhí直 jiē接 jiǎn减 qù去 zhè这 liǎng两 gè个 rì日 qī期 zhī之 jiān间 de的 tiān天 shù数 , rú如 xià下 tú图 suǒ所 shì示 :


在excel表格中计算时间差  图1

We can also use the hidden function datedif function, input: = datedif (A2, B2, "d")

我们还可以使用隐藏函数datedif function,input:=datedif(a2,b2,“d”)

wǒ我 men们 hái还 kě可 yǐ以 shǐ使 yòng用 yǐn隐 cáng藏 hán函 shù数 d a t e d i f f u n c t i o n , i n p u t : = d a t e d i f ( a 2 , b 2 , “ d ” )

The syntax of this function is as follows: = datedif (start date, end date, third parameter). The third parameter can be in several cases, returning the days, months, and years of the interval. As shown in the figure:


cǐ此 hán函 shù数 de的 yǔ语 fǎ法 rú如 xià下 : = d a t e d i f ( kāi开 shǐ始 rì日 qī期 、 jié结 shù束 rì日 qī期 、 dì第 sān三 gè个 cān参 shù数 ) 。 dì第 sān三 gè个 cān参 shù数 kě可 yǐ以 shì是 zài在 jǐ几 zhǒng种 qíng情 kuàng况 xià下 , fǎn返 huí回 jiàn间 gé隔 de的 tiān天 、 yuè月 hé和 nián年 。 rú如 tú图 suǒ所 shì示 :


The results to display include days, such as 8 days. This can be achieved by adding & "day", = datedif (A13, B13, "d") and "day" after the above formula.

excel表格中计算时间差  图2


yào要 xiǎn显 shì示 de的 jié结 guǒ果 bāo包 kuò括 tiān天 , lì例 rú如 8 tiān天 。 zhè这 kě可 yǐ以 tōng通 guò过 zài在 shàng上 shù述 gōng公 shì式 zhī之 hòu后 tiān添 jiā加 & “ d a y ” 、 = d a t e d i f ( a 1 3 , b 1 3 , “ d ” ) hé和 “ d a y ” lái来 shí实 xiàn现 。

Then, how to calculate the difference between two time periods separately within the document. How to achieve it? As shown in the figure:


rán然 hòu后 , rú如 hé何 zài在 wén文 dàng档 zhōng中 fēn分 bié别 jì计 suàn算 liǎng两 gè个 shí时 duàn段 zhī之 jiān间 de的 chā差 yì异 。 rú如 hé何 shí实 xiàn现 ? rú如 tú图 suǒ所 shì示 :


In the case of date and time, how many hours are different? For example, what is the distance between 13:26 on February 10, 2016 and 10:40 on March 6, 2016? How can it be achieved?

excel表格中计算时间差  图3


Input = (b1-a1) * 24, realizable


Input = text (b1-a1, "[H]: mm") * 24, which can also be realized. Function text is used to transform the time format.


shū输 rù入 = wén文 běn本 ( b 1 - a 1 , “ [ h ] : m m ” ) * 2 4 , yě也 kě可 yǐ以 shí实 xiàn现 。 hán函 shù数 wén文 běn本 yòng用 yú于 zhuǎn转 huàn换 shí时 jiān间 gé格 shì式 。


How to add "hour" display in the text, for example: 8 hours, such a display effect. This can be achieved by adding the following after the above formula: & "hour", see the above operation steps

在excel表格中计算时间差  图4


In order to save several decimal places, "2" in the above formula means to keep two decimal places.

为了节省几个小数位,上面公式中的“2”表示保留两个小数位。 数字表示要舍入的值或单元格内容。号码?数字表示需要多少参数。

The following is an introduction of a relatively simple Excel to calculate the time difference through the function. The input process of the function will be a little cumbersome, but learn how to operate it.



Through learning and consulting, the above methods are summed up, which may be a little wordy. In any case, the methods and thinking are right. You have to do it in detail. Find more and more convenient ways.