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AIO Runtime Libraries Installer(VC++运行库合集)v18.03.24最新版

AIO Runtime Libraries Installer(VC++运行库合集)v18.03.24最新版

  • 软件大小:36.7 MB
  • 更新日期:2018-02-15
  • 软件语言:简体中文
  • 软件类别:软件下载
  • 软件授权:免费版
  • 评分等级:
  • 插件情况:无插件请放心使用
  • 软件官网:https://www.downmsn.com
  • 适用平台:windows
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这是个非常不错的由国外My Digital Life论坛wilenty网友制作的VC++运行库合集安装包,体积小巧装机必备,这款合集包组装了所有Visual C ++运行库最新版,安装可自选VC++运行库版本,安装过程可以卸载已经装过的部分VC++运行库旧版本并重新安装最新版,避免造成重复安装或卸载程序里显示版本错乱现象。



Visual C++ AIO Installer/Uninstaller by [Wilenty's MOD]

v18.02.13 (2018-02-13):
I added an option to save result information to the file in MENU, a keyboard shortcut: “[ALT]+W” (ToolTip over the displayed information informs about this possibility when it is available).
Files with information will be saved in the same directory as the installer file under the name:
“AIO Runtime Libraries by Wilenty yyyy-mm-dd.[*name of the information*].txt” (*name of the information* depends on the information displayed).

I added: MSXML 4.0 SP3 Parser (x86).
I changed the program icon slightly to make it more relevant to the content of the installer.

v18.01.12 (2018-01-12):
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable – 14.13.26020

Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable – 8.0.50727.5706 x86/x64
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable – 9.0.30729.7523 x86/x64
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable – 10.0.40219.473 x86/x64
Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable – 11.0.61135.400 x86/x64
Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable – 12.0.40664 x86/x64
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable – 14.0.24516 x86/x64   (适用WinXP)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable – 14.13.26020 x86/x64 (适用Win7以上)

/Update /VERYSILENT 自动更新安装
/UninstallALL /VERYSILENT 自动卸载所有


AIO Runtime Libraries Installer(VC++运行库合集)v18.03.24最新版


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