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时间:2019-11-05 18:37:57 来源:www.downmsn.com 人气:




  1. A hundred words chop


  Baici chop is a software that mainly focuses on memorizing words. It can make users remember words more deeply by combining words with pictures. The interface operation is simple and the dictation function is comprehensive.


  2. Fluent in English


英语APP排名  图一


  A kind of software that can exercise spoken English, whether it is spoken English Xiaobai or Daxin, and has timely scene simulation dialogue, such as campus, restaurant, etc., which is more convenient. In the ranking of learning English app, the number of users is relatively large.


  3. Scallop listening


  Scallop listening is the same kind of English software with different ways of scallop words. It starts with simple English sentences and continues until you understand them. Then you can carry out listening study and sentence by sentence practice. This is how we practice from listening to Xiaobai to Daxing.

  扇贝听力是同一种英语软件,有不同的扇贝词表达方式。它从简单的英语句子开始,一直到你听懂为止。然后你可以进行听力学习和逐句练习。这就是我们从不熟练到熟练的一个重要转折过程。shàn扇 bèi贝 tīng听 lì力 shì是 tóng同 yī一 zhǒng种 yīng英 yǔ语 ruǎn软 jiàn件 , yǒu有 bù不 tóng同 de的 shàn扇 bèi贝 cí词 biǎo表 dá达 fāng方 shì式 。 tā它 cóng从 jiǎn简 dān单 de的 yīng英 yǔ语 jù句 zi子 kāi开 shǐ始, yī一 zhí直 dào到 nǐ你 tīng听 dǒng懂 wéi为 zhǐ止 。 rán然 hòu后 nǐ你 kě可 yǐ以 jìn进 xíng行 tīng听 lì力 xué学 xí习 hé和 zhú逐 jù句 liàn练 xí习。 zhè这 jiù就 shì是 wǒ我 men们 cóng从 tīng听 X i a o b a i dào到 dà大 xīng兴 de的 shí实 jiàn践 。

  4. Happy CI field in Hujiang

  四顿号sì四 。 hú湖 jiāng江 kuài快 lè乐 cí词 chǎng场


  Hujiang's English has been doing well. Its happy word field combines words with games. Its learning method is relatively easy, and at the same time it achieves the effect of deep memory. It also has the function of PK between friends. It is a very interesting English learning software.


  5. English interest dubbing


英语APP排名  图二


  English interesting dubbing is a kind of learning software to exercise spoken English and English listening. It can achieve the learning effect by dubbing English through different types of movie fragments. People who like the European and American pronunciation should not miss it.


  6. Coco English


  A comprehensive learning software for learning English listening and speaking, supporting double subtitle playback, words, listening, speaking as well as reading, translation and writing have relevant column choices.


  7. Scallop words


  Scallop word is a kind of software for memorizing words. It has a rich vocabulary. It uses English to explain English words. It is a very straightforward and efficient software for reciting words. At the same time, it also has the associative memory method of root words, which is very practical.


  8. Hujiang online school

  八8 gè个 。 hú湖 jiāng江 zài在 xiàn线 xué学 xiào校


英语APP排名  图三


  Hujiang online school has many language learning courses. For English learners, it supports online learning of various listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. During the learning period, it has systematic learning tasks and tests, and supports audio and video playback.


  9. Ted English speech

  九9 hào号 。 tài泰 dé德 yīng英 yǔ语 yǎn演 jiǎng讲




  English Rubik's cube show supports online learning of English listening and speaking through movies and TV plays. There are movies all over the world. It's very interesting to read, imitate and dub along with the pictures


  英语APP排名  图四英语APP排名


标签 英语